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Orneta Chess : screenshots (mis à jour)

25 avril 2003 à 00h00
Info soumise par Galaga:

Merci à Orneta Software de m'avoir fait parvenir l'url pointant sur les sreenshots de leur nouvelle production (après Orneta Notepad) : Orneta chess 1.14 pour Smartphone 2002. Je

n'ai pas encore eu le plaisir de jouer avec (mais ça ne saurait tarder) et je vous ferais un petit topo à ce moment la. La sortie du jeu est prévue pour le 28 avril (lundi).

mise à jour (je viens de recovoir un mail avec plus d'infos) :

Some remarks about currently, already implemented (more coming later), features of Orneta Chess:

- one can set level of playing and the time of "thinking" of the computer - so the program can play at any level (the playing engine is not bad anyway even with standard time) - you can set "time" (of

"thinking") and "depth" (of searching - "thinking")

- the state of the game is saved so you can close the program (or it can be even killed) but the state of the game is not lost - you can play thus in one game over many many days (months, years)

- there is possibility to show history of latest moves

- the program is strongly multi-threaded: you can move cursor and use menu while the program is "thinking"

  • Orneta Chess 1.14 for MS Smartphone 2002
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