Quel ide

Bon j’en ai un peu marre. Je veux coder en C++ sous windows. J’utilisais jusqu’à maintenant Dev c++ mais apparemment il pu, vu la tête que mon prof a fait quand je lui ai dit…
Bon j’utiliserais bien Eclipse vu que c’est ce qu’on utilise en TP, mais j’arrive à rien avec, il detecte pas gcc (où alors je le mes pas où il faut) et j’arrive pas à avoir la fonction de generation de makefile automatique.

Il y pas un IDE avec déjà tout de configurer? et qui fait automatiquement des makefile.

Edité le 05/04/2008 à 18:49

bah… sans IDE?

Sinon CodeBlocks, ou Visual Studio?

sans IDE ?

J’essai codeblocks là.

C’est moi ou on peut même pas renommer ses fichiers?

Bon, quitte à continuer à parler tout seul, j’ai une erreur zarb sur les hpp xerces que j’ai inclu à mon projet…

L’erreur pointe là dessu: [quote=""]

..\..\include\xercesc\util\XMLUniDefs.hpp|26|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\HashBase.hpp|24|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\IllegalArgumentException.hpp|29|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\NoSuchElementException.hpp|29|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\RuntimeException.hpp|29|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\HashXMLCh.hpp|23|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\RefHashTableOf.hpp|36|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\Janitor.hpp|29|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\Janitor.c|30|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\NullPointerException.hpp|29|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\RefHashTableOf.c|35|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\ValueVectorOf.hpp|31|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\ValueVectorOf.c|31|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\internal\XSerializationException.hpp|29|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\internal\XSerializeEngine.hpp|31|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\internal\XProtoType.hpp|28|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\internal\XSerializable.hpp|28|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\QName.hpp|32|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\framework\XMLAttDef.hpp|30|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\KVStringPair.hpp|30|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\RefArrayVectorOf.hpp|23|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\RefArrayVectorOf.c|25|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\RefVectorOf.hpp|27|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\RefVectorOf.c|30|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\regx\Op.hpp|31|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\regx\Token.hpp|31|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\Mutexes.hpp|29|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\regx\TokenFactory.hpp|32|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\regx\BMPattern.hpp|30|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\regx\ModifierToken.hpp|30|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\regx\ConditionToken.hpp|30|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\regx\OpFactory.hpp|31|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\regx\RegxUtil.hpp|31|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\regx\RegularExpression.hpp|39|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\validators\schema\SchemaSymbols.hpp|27|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\framework\psvi\XSConstants.hpp|28|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\framework\psvi\XSObject.hpp|28|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\framework\psvi\XSTypeDefinition.hpp|27|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\framework\psvi\XSSimpleTypeDefinition.hpp|27|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\NameIdPool.hpp|30|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\util\NameIdPool.c|36|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\framework\ValidationContext.hpp|30|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\validators\datatype\DatatypeValidator.hpp|35|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\framework\XMLAttr.hpp|30|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\framework\XMLValidityCodes.hpp|10|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\framework\XMLValidator.hpp|29|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\framework\XMLPScanToken.hpp|28|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\xercesc\sax2\SAX2XMLReader.hpp|30|error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"|
..\..\include\include\PlateformeSAX.hpp|13|error: using-declaration for non-member at class scope|
..\..\include\include\PlateformeSAX.hpp|13|error: expected `;' before '*' token|
||More errors follow but not being shown.|
||Edit the max errors limit in compiler options...|
||=== Build finished: 50 errors, 0 warnings ===|

Essaye un undef de XERCES_HAS_CPP_NAMESPACE le plus haut niveau possible pour éventuellement bypasser un XERCES_HAS_CPP_NAMESPACE qui suivrait plus loin dans les includes.

desolé je comprends pas.


namespace xercesc = XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE;

Donc tu tests les deux cas : en définissant XERCES_HAS_CPP_NAMESPACE et en ne le définissant pas, y’en aura bien un des deux qui passera.

Et je fais les modifs sur quel fichier?

Je dirais, juste avant le test du premier “if defined” …

Ca marche pas, enfin je sais pas si j’ai fais ce qu’il faut:
J’ai fais la modif sur le 1er fichier où il y a une erreur.

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      [www.apache.org...](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * $Id: XMLUniDefs.hpp 568078 2007-08-21 11:43:25Z amassari $

                          //j'ai rajouté ça


namespace xercesc = XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE;

                     //voila, jusqu'ici

#if !defined(XMLUNIDEFS_HPP)

#include <xercesc/util/XercesDefs.hpp>


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Constants for the Unicode characters of interest to us in an XML parser
//  We don't put these inside the class because then they could not be const
//  inline values, which would have significant performance ramifications.
//  We cannot use a namespace because of the requirement to support old
//  compilers.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const XMLCh chNull                  = 0x00;
const XMLCh chHTab                  = 0x09;
const XMLCh chLF                    = 0x0A;
const XMLCh chVTab                  = 0x0B;
const XMLCh chFF                    = 0x0C;
const XMLCh chCR                    = 0x0D;
const XMLCh chAmpersand             = 0x26;
const XMLCh chAsterisk              = 0x2A;
const XMLCh chAt                    = 0x40;
const XMLCh chBackSlash             = 0x5C;
const XMLCh chBang                  = 0x21;
const XMLCh chCaret                 = 0x5E;
const XMLCh chCloseAngle            = 0x3E;
const XMLCh chCloseCurly            = 0x7D;
const XMLCh chCloseParen            = 0x29;
const XMLCh chCloseSquare           = 0x5D;
const XMLCh chColon                 = 0x3A;
const XMLCh chComma                 = 0x2C;
const XMLCh chDash                  = 0x2D;
const XMLCh chDollarSign            = 0x24;
const XMLCh chDoubleQuote           = 0x22;
const XMLCh chEqual                 = 0x3D;
const XMLCh chForwardSlash          = 0x2F;
const XMLCh chGrave                 = 0x60;
const XMLCh chNEL                   = 0x85;
const XMLCh chOpenAngle             = 0x3C;
const XMLCh chOpenCurly             = 0x7B;
const XMLCh chOpenParen             = 0x28;
const XMLCh chOpenSquare            = 0x5B;
const XMLCh chPercent               = 0x25;
const XMLCh chPeriod                = 0x2E;
const XMLCh chPipe                  = 0x7C;
const XMLCh chPlus                  = 0x2B;
const XMLCh chPound                 = 0x23;
const XMLCh chQuestion              = 0x3F;
const XMLCh chSingleQuote           = 0x27;
const XMLCh chSpace                 = 0x20;
const XMLCh chSemiColon             = 0x3B;
const XMLCh chTilde                 = 0x7E;
const XMLCh chUnderscore            = 0x5F;

const XMLCh chSwappedUnicodeMarker  = XMLCh(0xFFFE);
const XMLCh chUnicodeMarker         = XMLCh(0xFEFF);

const XMLCh chDigit_0               = 0x30;
const XMLCh chDigit_1               = 0x31;
const XMLCh chDigit_2               = 0x32;
const XMLCh chDigit_3               = 0x33;
const XMLCh chDigit_4               = 0x34;
const XMLCh chDigit_5               = 0x35;
const XMLCh chDigit_6               = 0x36;
const XMLCh chDigit_7               = 0x37;
const XMLCh chDigit_8               = 0x38;
const XMLCh chDigit_9               = 0x39;

const XMLCh chLatin_A               = 0x41;
const XMLCh chLatin_B               = 0x42;
const XMLCh chLatin_C               = 0x43;
const XMLCh chLatin_D               = 0x44;
const XMLCh chLatin_E               = 0x45;
const XMLCh chLatin_F               = 0x46;
const XMLCh chLatin_G               = 0x47;
const XMLCh chLatin_H               = 0x48;
const XMLCh chLatin_I               = 0x49;
const XMLCh chLatin_J               = 0x4A;
const XMLCh chLatin_K               = 0x4B;
const XMLCh chLatin_L               = 0x4C;
const XMLCh chLatin_M               = 0x4D;
const XMLCh chLatin_N               = 0x4E;
const XMLCh chLatin_O               = 0x4F;
const XMLCh chLatin_P               = 0x50;
const XMLCh chLatin_Q               = 0x51;
const XMLCh chLatin_R               = 0x52;
const XMLCh chLatin_S               = 0x53;
const XMLCh chLatin_T               = 0x54;
const XMLCh chLatin_U               = 0x55;
const XMLCh chLatin_V               = 0x56;
const XMLCh chLatin_W               = 0x57;
const XMLCh chLatin_X               = 0x58;
const XMLCh chLatin_Y               = 0x59;
const XMLCh chLatin_Z               = 0x5A;

const XMLCh chLatin_a               = 0x61;
const XMLCh chLatin_b               = 0x62;
const XMLCh chLatin_c               = 0x63;
const XMLCh chLatin_d               = 0x64;
const XMLCh chLatin_e               = 0x65;
const XMLCh chLatin_f               = 0x66;
const XMLCh chLatin_g               = 0x67;
const XMLCh chLatin_h               = 0x68;
const XMLCh chLatin_i               = 0x69;
const XMLCh chLatin_j               = 0x6A;
const XMLCh chLatin_k               = 0x6B;
const XMLCh chLatin_l               = 0x6C;
const XMLCh chLatin_m               = 0x6D;
const XMLCh chLatin_n               = 0x6E;
const XMLCh chLatin_o               = 0x6F;
const XMLCh chLatin_p               = 0x70;
const XMLCh chLatin_q               = 0x71;
const XMLCh chLatin_r               = 0x72;
const XMLCh chLatin_s               = 0x73;
const XMLCh chLatin_t               = 0x74;
const XMLCh chLatin_u               = 0x75;
const XMLCh chLatin_v               = 0x76;
const XMLCh chLatin_w               = 0x77;
const XMLCh chLatin_x               = 0x78;
const XMLCh chLatin_y               = 0x79;
const XMLCh chLatin_z               = 0x7A;

const XMLCh chYenSign               = 0xA5;
const XMLCh chWonSign               = 0x20A9;

const XMLCh chLineSeparator         = 0x2028;
const XMLCh chParagraphSeparator    = 0x2029;



Edité le 06/04/2008 à 01:10

Pourquoi tu as ajouté ce code en gras ??
Je te l’ai mis car c’est lui qui fait “planter” la compilation et que donc, c’est la que tu dois faire la modif, c’est à dire :

Ok, j’avais donc mal compris.
Enfin ça marche quand même pas :o(

vous pouvez m’aider, je peux pas continuer mon projet à cause de ça.

Tu as la même erreur avec les deux cas ?
Ce n’est absolument pas normal, il doit y en avoir un qui doti forcément passer, le second, normalement.
Apres, regarde comment se compile ce projet, si c’est de l’opensource, ca sent le trio ./config && make && make install mais pour cela tu dois avoir les binutils, les autoconf/automake … bref, un bon mingw et msys.
En gros, essaye d’abord en ligne de commande avant d’essayer de tout compiler via l’ide.